Regina A. Finnegan, Ph.D.


Regina A. Finnegan, Ph.D. is a Clinical Licensed Psychologist in private practice in Naples, Florida. She provides individual therapy to adults. Dr. Finnegan is trained in various approaches and uses both cognitive-behavioral and psychodynamic approaches. The goal is to direct therapy based on the issues and needs of the client. The more profoundly the issue can be addressed, the more profound are the benefits. Dr. Finnegan treats mood issues, relationship issues, personality issues, stress and grief from life circumstances, self-esteem issues, and longstanding family of origin issues.

Member of the American Psychological Association (APA)

Member of Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting (DAFOH)

Education and Training:

Ph.D. in Psychology with dual majors:

Clinical Psychology, Teachers College/Columbia University, New York City, NY.

Personality and Social Development, Flolorida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida.

Internship at Florida State University Counseling Center, Tallahassee, FL.

Office Location
4933 Tamiami Trail N
Suite 200
Naples, FL

For Appointments, please call
(239) 227-3456

Insurance Accepted
Community Health Partners
Collier County Employees
First Health, etc

Florida Licensed Psychologist #PY6298

Counseling for:




Difficult decisions



Unresolved Issues

Personal Growth

Loss and Grief